“I’m ON LinkedIn, but I’m not really USING it.”

Originally posted on LinkedIn in August 2016, this content seems even more relevant today. Have you noticed that LinkedIn has really come of age in the past 9-12 months?
Is investing your time understanding LinkedIn worth it?
3 Data-points to consider:
- Regardless of your role with the company, from CEO to intern, your LinkedIn profile probably ranks in the top 5 Google Search Results of your name + your company name.
- Circa 2016, using Social Technologies, especially in Sales, is a critically important 4th Wave.
- Microsoft acquired LinkedIn in June 2016 for $26 billion! Why?
Here’s the thing: If you’re in a B2B environment, a high percentage of your Current and Future Clients are now using LinkedIn:
And yet so many professionals say, “I’m ON LinkedIn, but I’m not really USING it.”
2 Key Questions
- Could accomplishing your business goals use a booster shot?
- What steps are you taking to improve your professional reputation as a subject matter expert in your field?
Can LinkedIn can be part of your tool set? Certainly. Perhaps even urgently.
After actively using LinkedIn and training/coaching teams for 9 years, perhaps I can help you reach your goals faster and with greater precision.
“I have seen Mike teach a room full of busy technology-hampered lawyers how to better use social media and I expected everyone to say thank you and never want to see him again. Instead, multiple people requested, or more specifically, demanded that he come back for another session.” – May 2016, Seth Briskin