Blockchain Wisedom

Advancing the global blockchain ecosystem

The Insurance Implications of Blockchain

Blockchain architecture is a faster, more efficient, safer method of sharing and trusting data.

PIMA Consumer Insights 2019: Notes, Observations, and Attendee Comments on Top Challenges for the Industry

PIMA Consumer Insights 2019: Notes, Observations, and Attendee Comments on Top Challenges for the Industry … After being away for three years, it was good to be back with a group I networked with from 2005-2016, including a stint on the Board and facilitating four conferences. Much has changed. Much is the same. It’s a good group or people.

Boston Blockchain Week, May 2019

#BostonBlockchainWeek! Wow, what a terrific event! Can’t speak highly enough. Here’s a video with the organizer, including a few clips from the event itself. Wait for it at the end! 🙂  

MIT Technology Review – Business of Blockchain

At the end of the article, a discount code to a full-day, high-level May 2nd seminar at MIT in Cambridge, MA. Join 200-300 others to learn how blockchain has begun to overhaul global technology, and thereby, enabled new economies to impact the human endeavors of the world we live in. How this adventure began… “What…
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Why Blockchain – A Brief History

Recapping the last 20 years of digital transformation in insurance: The 2000’s – Shifting from off-line legacy systems to the Internet The 2010’s – Adapting to the Social Web, Moving to the Cloud, Mobile, etc. The 2020’s – Internet of Things, Artificial Intelligence, & Blockchain Some quotes from the first two era’s which you may…
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“I’m ON LinkedIn, but I’m not really USING it.”

Originally posted on LinkedIn in August 2016, this content seems even more relevant today. Have you noticed that LinkedIn has really come of age in the past 9-12 months? Is investing your time understanding LinkedIn worth it? 3 Data-points to consider: Regardless of your role with the company, from CEO to intern, your LinkedIn profile…
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#IoT – John Hancock & Fitbit

Originally posted on LinkedIn in June 2015, both wearable social technologies and IoT are now in the “Late Majority” stage of the technology adoption lifecycle. Here’s a look back to what was happening about 4 years ago. Life comes at you fast… Digital Business Principle:  The Internet of Things (#IoT) has rapidly become the next…
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